Saturday, April 6, 2013


Still packing...
After living in this home for 5.5 years, we have acquired a pile of junk that is now our responsibility to pack up and move. I wish I hadn't bought most of this crap.

After filling two storage units, I called to see if any other units were available. As I called they were in the process of evicting a tenant. Uh - awkward!

I paid for my third unit (and hopefully my last!) and got the key to the garage door. When they gave me the key, I asked if the person who had just been evicted had the same key... They hoped I wouldn't ask that question!

My hope is that the person who was just evicted doesn't decide to take out their anger on me. They did say that they were going to be putting a new lock on the door on Monday. I'm really glad for renters insurance!

Tomorrow is a bittersweet day. It is my last Sunday as youth pastor at Chapman Memorial Church. I love these people and will miss them very much, but it is also exciting because as one chapter of life closes, another inevitably opens. We are very excited about the craziest summer ever, and we are very excited also about starting a new life at Olivet Nazarene University.

God is good - don't forget that!

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